Monitoring of Fund Arrangements (MONA)

MONA Database

2002 - Current Arrangements

The Monitoring of Fund Arrangements (MONA) database contains comparable information on the economic objectives and outcomes in Fund-supported arrangements. It tracks the performance of countries in terms of scheduled purchases and reviews, quantitative and structural conditionality, and macroeconomic indicators.

Data are available for most arrangements since 2002 to the present, and are collected at the time of arrangement approval, and following each review. Dissemination of MONA data are made to within a few weeks following Executive Board meetings. This results in a cumulative history of each arrangement from one Board meeting to the next.


  • The Monitoring of Fund Arrangements (MONA) database is a comprehensive and readily accessible database covering the economic objectives and outcomes of Fund-supported programs. It provides a cumulative history of Fund-supported programs from Executive Board approval through its completion.
  • Enhances the Fund's institutional memory -- it is the only electronic database on program design, compliance, and economic targets and developments.
  • Improves the IMF's capacity to respond in a timely manner to questions about country experiences under Fund-supported programs -- for example the ability to provide cross-country data on specific aspects of such programs.
  • Provides a time-saving source of information for the ex post evaluation of program design and progress made by countries under programs.
  • The database covers all countries with Fund-supported arrangements. Useful topics covered include: quantitative and structural conditionality; government and public finances.